What is SOAP, anyway? It’s a Bible study system that provides a consistent framework for a daily time in God’s Word. Generally a church or study group will assign a chapter to read each day. Then the reader will advance through the four steps.

  • First, S for Scripture. Read the assigned chapter.
  • Next, O for Observation. Identify a verse or passage stands out to you
  • Then, A for Application. Consider how you to apply it to your life.
  • Finally, P for Prayer. Ask God to help you make that application. .

As a part of the SOAP program at our church, I’ve begun recording the daily assignments and posting them as a study aid. I’m linking them here for any who might be interested. The dates on the title screen represents the day that that Scripture chapter was assigned. Click on the three lines in the upper right to select a specific chapter in that book.

1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
